My presentation is just under an hour. Outdoors are the preferred surroundings. A grassy area for the kidlings to run around is safer than running on asphalt or cement. I begin by laying out a 100 foot chain in a circle. The kidlings stand on the outside of the circle and I am on the inside of the circle along with about 300 pounds of 'bubblephenalia'.
An example of how I make bubbles would be in the device of 10 tennis racquets laced together to look like a peacock's tail feathers. I collapse it, dip it in my bubblejuice, open it up and twirl around and hundreds of thousands of bubbles stream over the kidlings heads and they go 'crazy' catching them.
Weather permitting, my bubbles can attain lengths of 50 feet or more and can be as big as a baby elephant. Bubble weather is cool, calm, and cloudy. It is the primary reason I came to the NorthWest. Seattle is 'bubble-heaven'.
There are also some underlying themes running throughout the show. I live by the principle that 'the biggest bubble in the world is the world'. I illustrate this by literally making the biggest bubbles in the world. And I use recycled products, mainly stuff I find in thrift stores. Soda-can holders are the best and the worst of what we have on this planet. I have woven 160 of them together as a giant net and make a tremendous amount of bubbles and the point that 'this is a really cheap toy, safe for children and not for wildlife (unless of course you want to have a wild life with your kidlings' life). Basically there's a lesson in everything.
I also focus a lot on interactive- breathing because my show is very energetic and I require moments of relaxation. There are also 3 requests at my show which I 'strictly enforce'. 1. No toys or food are allowed. Children must have empty hands. 2. No one is allowed to smoke. The surrounding air must be as clean as possible. 3. Kidults must speak softly during the show. What I do is for the kidlings. What I say is for the kidults.
I sing lots of songs but with the purpose of having the kidults learn how to do what I do when I'm through doing what I do even though I never feel I'm through doing what I do for you and the kidlings.
Ultimately, I hope to have been a loving and humorous example of what it's like to act like a kid for children.
garry golightly
Click here to read "Who You Gonna Call: The Coolest Party Entertainers Around Town!"
Click here to download the EcoVision Journal article about the Bubbleman (PDF format)